Jean Newland Offers New Collected WWII POW Stories

‘Guests of the Emperor’ presents carefully-researched historical and poignant stories of Allied captivity

MIAMI LAKES, Fla. (PRWEB) January 10, 2013
When author Jean Newland’s Uncle Richard died, he left her a trunk of personal papers and clippings. As she went through the papers, she discovered an incredible and horrifying true story of wartime sacrifice and death from World War II, which she turned into her new book “Guests of the Emperor: Allied POWs in Rangoon Burma” (published by AuthorHouse).
NEWLAND’S book is a tribute to the heroism of the soldiers who survived life in a brutal Imperial Japanese prison in Burma during the early 1940s. In addition to the narratives of her Uncle Richard, she includes stories of British, Australian, Chinese, Scots and New Zealanders, all men captured in battle.
An excerpt from “Guests of the Emperor”:
“On December 14, 1944, you had started your bomb run, and I had started mine (for the trenches) when a sudden tremendous explosion from above caused me to dive headlong into the nearest hole. ‘Oh, my God, look!’ One of our invincible B-29 Superforts was in a flat spin; two others were smoking and peeling off in opposite directions; opening parachutes were beginning to appear. What an unexplainable tragedy.

Forty years have passed since that day, and as I recall the many experiences of my 560 days of captivity, none in more vivid or painful than the memory of that day when some of you, our heroes, fell from the sky to join us in our misery.”
“I wanted (the soldiers’) story to be told,” she says. “To just close that trunk and put it away would have diminished what they had endured.”
“Guests of the Emperor”

By Jean Newland

Hardcover | 6 x 9 in | 316 pages | ISBN 9781477281130

Softcover | 6 x 9 in | 316 pages | ISBN 9781477281147

E-Book | 316 pages | ISBN 9781477283127

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author

Jean Newland was employed for 34 years by the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute in Miami as director of patient financial services. In this capacity, she heard many sad and moving stories, but nothing prepared her for what she was about to read. When her Uncle Richard died, he left her all his personal papers in an old army trunk. When she began to read the trunk's contents she became so intrigued with the stories she found that it became clear that they should be told and these men honored.

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Jean Newland Offers New Collected WWII POW Stories